About Me

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Wisconsin girl living in California... this blog is a written documentary of my adventures away from home!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Hi guys!
I know I have been lagging a bit in the posting... BUT I ASSURE YOU IT IS ALL FOR AN AWESOME REASON!
BUT FIRST... a picture of an owl.
Ain't she cute?

So I am soon getting my very first apartment!
Matt and I decided that it would be best for us to move to another area, so that I can make my getting a REAL job and going to school more of a reality. I am pumped to tell you we have found an adorable little townhouse/apartment that is near to EVERYTHING.
It is across the street from a college and right next to a WHOLE bunch of places I can work. This is GREAT news for me because it means I will no longer be inside all day with the fear to go outside because some crazy Raiders fans are going to pop a cap in my Green Bay Packer lovin' ass. Or the more likely gangster to try to rape and then kill me. ANYWAY!
We are relocating to Hayward on the weekend after the 15th. I am SO excited!
I will get to decorate this place according to my (and Matt's) taste! I will get to organize and store and rearrange things... a fresh start!
Getting this apartment is giving me that "first day of school" feeling, that "first day back from vacation" feeling.
I am so excited to start life in this new place!
But for NOW!!!!

I have to go pack. :D
I will post pictures of the new place when the time comes.
And HOPEFULLY I should have some more posts out there before then on my art series and short stories. NO PROMISES THOUGH!
I'm a busy girl!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Little Blog Update: Art Series!

This past Christmas I received a Bamboo Computer Sketch Pad.
This thing is AWESOME, though it takes some time getting used to...
So far I only have a few completed sketches, and you will be able to tell that I need some more practice with this digital sketch pad...
Here are a few sample sketches/pictures I have drawn so far, and I assure you, there are more to come!

In each picture I was trying to practice some aspect of drawing skill... I've never taken a REAL art class in my entire life, so please don't laugh. :)

  • "Chick"- Though the title is unbearably bland, I was quite fond of how she turned out, being my first attempt and all... In this picture I was just sketching to get a feel of how the digital pen and pad worked...

  • This one is called "Packer Chick LOL". This picture started out with me trying to draw a full body and learn the shape and technique of drawing a body. However, because of the last playoff game that day in the NFL, I turned the picture into a lucky charm to get my favorite football team, The Green Bay Packers, into Superbowl 45! AND IT WORKED! :)

  • This picture, titled "Hands Sketch", was for me to practice sketching hands. Hands are my worst enemy when it comes to drawing, EVEN WORSE THAN FEET! To be honest, I have a FINE time drawing feet. But hands, no such luck.

  • "Nadine"- I've always been a nerd, so it comes as NO surprise that I decided to draw my character in one of my Dungeons & Dragons game. Her name is Nadine and she is a half elf. She has an interesting back-story. You will hear more about the adventures of Nadine in a few of my series, I'm sure.

These are my first few drawings, and I assure you there will be more to come!

In the mean-time, I need some help deciding a name for my Art Series on this blog...
Here are a few names I am fond of, and feel free to submit your own if you'd like!

Art Series Titles? :
  • Artsy Fartsy
  • Pretty as a Picture
  • Picture Perfect
  • ???SUGGESTIONS??? :D

Hi! I'm Natalie!

My name is Natalie, and this is my blog.
I'd like to offer a little introduction to you, dear reader.

  • I am 20 years old, and I am from Green Bay, WI.
  • I currently live in California with my sweetie, Matt.
  • I absolutely LOVE online games, mostly Everquest 2 though. ;)
  • I am saving up to go to college within the next few years and I would like to study Writing and Psychology, though I am not sure which one I'd like to major in yet.
  • I have one pet back in Green Bay, his name is Norbert "THE CHEESE" Piette, (Nubz for short) and he is my beloved rabbit (pictures soon!).
  • I love drawing, though I am no Rembrandt. ;P
  • I love writing as well, but I find that I have trouble getting inspired. It comes eventually though! And when it does, it creates something beautiful!
  • I am down to earth and always smiley.
  • I have a big heart, and I've been told that I wear it on my sleeve.
  • I give honest advice based on my experiences and common sense, which I believe is the best advice to give.
  • There are so many things that I could put in this post! But this is good for now, and you will get a good idea of who I am from my posts.
I am just starting my journey, and I invite you to follow along if you'd like.